Agency Partners

Welcome Agency Partners
Solano Dream Center will, and has always been willing to go the extra mile in partnering with those who desire to break the chains of homelessness and poverty; to our neighbors in need.
We will always look for creative and innovative ways to do more with the limited resources before us. If we stand together with passion and commitment, lives will be changed, families will be restored, and our community will draw us together in unity, standing together to help people fulfill their dreams.
By working together with the local organizations and by combining our knowledge and resources, we can effectively move the homeless from the streets, into local recovery programs and services, and on toward self-sufficiency and success. This translates into neighborhoods and communities that are safer, cleaner, and experiencing the love of community through local organizations. This also translates into reduced financial burden upon many organizations and the community at large, including health care organizations.
We value and appreciate all of our agency partners and their commitment to helping end the cycle of poverty and homelessness. We have many opportunities for agency partners to engage in the work. Some examples include, but not limited to:
Being a host site for Nomadic Shelter
Prepare and/or cook dinner for shelter participants
Donate goods and/or services for shelter participants
Support events and outreach efforts for those on the streets
Become a referral partner for shelter
and more!
If your organization is interested in becoming an agency partner, please complete the form below and a member of the Solano Dream Center team will contact you with more information.